Friday, August 19, 2005

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- Striaght as a arrow, No room for error, takes a lot of team work. Working as one single unit

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- Striaght and narrow

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- Up and over

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- Flying with only inches between them, functioning as one

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- Block of nine

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- Peffect formation

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- Drive By

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- A twist in mid air way up there

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- And down we come with a twist in our turn

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- Just passing through

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- Up we go again

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- Horizontal

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- Passing over over head

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- Here they come

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- coming down (hold onto your shorts boys)

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- Way up there

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- Going up, way up

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- Here we go again

Canadian Air Force: Snow Birds- Follow the leader

RCMP Helicopter. To server and protect

Friday, August 05, 2005

Coming soon :Surrey Women's Centre Fundraising 2006 Calendar

Last year the government funding for this program was cut and now in order for us to keep this program running, we must raise our own funding, allowing us to continue to offer these valuable services to the community, to families and help women in crisis. Help raise money for this good cause by buying one of our calendars. Please contact the Surrey Women's Centre if you would like to sponsor the calendar or order one.
Phone: 604-589-1868
Support: 604-583-1295

Guess what every one, I have sold my first print


Photo friday Complecxity